Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Simple Fat Loss Tricks

Obesity is one of the most common problems faced by most of the people in the world. A recent estimate suggests that more than 40% of the people in the world are overweight, so you do not have to feel that you're the only one! There have been a lot of fat loss programs conducted in the past and some are still undergoing them. You spend thousands of dollars on these weight loss programs only to not see the desired results. Now I'm going to show some simple tricks which will help you gradually in weight loss. This is not an instant result bearing process but a gradual and a guaranteed method of fat loss.

1) The FIRST and foremost thing for you to do is to walk as much as you can.

Do not try to use your vehicle when you can just walk. I'm not telling to walk 100 miles a day! Just walk as much as you can. If you're just starting on this then I recommend to start with something like 2 miles in the morning and 2 miles in the evening for around 3 days. Then you can gradually increase your distance as much as you feel comfortable with it. Typically, you should be able to walk atleast 7 miles in a month. After that you just have to keep up with that.

2) Say NO to junk food

If you were a regular at your favourite eatery, then its time to bid good-bye. Junk food is probably the second most reason for obesity. This is mostly found with kids as young as 5 years old! I know that its absolutely impossible to cut off your favourite junk food all of a sudden. But even this has to be done in a gradual manner. Also do not think of starting this method after finishing the first! You have to start both of these simultaneously for improved results. So your schedule for 1 month is filled by these two methods. As an alternative to junk food you can have green salads, carrot and a lot of water. I recommend drinking a lot of water even if you do not feel thristy. Water is very important for the stable metabolism of your body.

So that wraps it up for a month. I will be back soon with some more tricks for weight loss.

Also do check this out for some more simple fat loss tricks:

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